America’s Got Talent 2010 Chicago Acts (Part 1)

Hello all! So after a week or so of digesting and relaxing I’m finally ready to give you all a sneak peek on acts of that could potentially be on television during the Chicago Auditions that were held on April 27 and 28.

Over the course of the next month, will provide you with information of acts that that have gone through the Chicago auditions, some of the judges comments/expressions, the audience’s expression and any online information in regards to the group for you to enjoy.

However, as always there are some groups where information is scarce or impossible to find, in which case you the reader could help us out. If you have any knowledge of any of the acts feel free to leave a comment or simply contact us and let us know so we could honor them with a post for others to see.

Keep in mind that although AGT Chicago had four tapings, this blogger was only able to make it to two of the tapings, which adds up to thirty-one acts! One per day. =) So enjoy.

This first post is dedicated to the nameless acts where information was scarce or confusing online:

Tuesday Evening’s Taping (POSSIBLE SPOILERS):

1) Band Group
This particular band has been playing throughout the Midwest for a while now. A group of five members (three male, two female) they say that they typically play in clubs or dance halls. From the song choice them seem to be a primarily rock/alternative style band. The band consists of the drummer, two vocalists, and two guitarists.

Piers compared them to Eurotrash. It was commented that the piece they did was verbatim to the original material and they did not make the material their own. Howie commented that perhaps it was the song choice that prevented the band from shining. It was realized that the band does create their own material, but since the show prefers bands to work from known material (better for the audience to identify them with) perhaps that became their crutch.

Despite the supposed poor song choice, would the judges give this group a second chance? A chance to redeem themselves?

2) Dancer
This particular dancer resides in Chicago and came from Africa. He typically dances in his bedroom and wants to be known for his dancing.

As Howie puts it, he’s not a bad dancer, he simply should not have dancing be a focus on his life. Still he was seemingly joyous as he danced and moved on stage… but is it worth a million dollars?

3) Pianist
Tall, blonde, pretty, and nice… Nice was emphasized more often than not in this particular act. She resides in rural Illinois and teaches piano for those in her neighborhood. She wore a an elegant red dress and the keyboard was set up not quite standing height, but not quite sitting either. She also played piano at her local church.

Then she started playing ragtime. Which when you’re looking at her is surprising in and of itself… but when she started playing with one hand and turned around so her back was towards the keyboard and continued to play without missing a beat, that was interesting… but seen (just look it up on YouTube). After a little while of this, she knelt down (with her back still to the keyboard) and continued to play with her arms wrapped around her neck and her back still to the keyboard.

Sharon enjoyed the performance, however she could not see any reason for the act to continue beyond the audition phase… Howie agreed although he was enchanted by the act. Piers on the other hand, saw something different and attempted to convince the other two that this is something that they have never seen on this show before. Something so unique deserves a chance to head to Vegas… doesn’t it?

4) The Man Within the Monster
*Big Booming Voice* Someone had a dream! He dreamt that he was on America’s Got Talent, facing the judges… with the audience behind them. He dreamt that he was dressed as a vampire and was singing Sinatra on stage for the world to see. Someone had a dream that through his costume and singing chops he would win America’s Got Talent.

Too bad he didn’t dream about getting yanked off-stage by a cane:
being pulled offstage by a cane

Within seconds of him opening his mouth ALL THREE judges immediately hit their buzzers. The Count didn’t even get a legit chance to sing. As he slowly walked off stage Nick Cannon went up towards the judges and pleaded the guy’s case for him. Saying that the judges didn’t give him a fair shot in showing his talent… and to give him a chance. After a little while the judges relented and gave him a second chance…

Was the aforementioned second chance worth it? Will his dreams come true after all despite the poor first chance?

5) Circus Act (done by teenagers)
Ten teens went onstage, they represent a non-for-profit group that introduce circus acts to underprivileged kids. They were dressed pretty homely, no outstanding glittery costumes no real bright or expensive equipment. Just them and huge circus wheels that they played and jumped and did acrobats with.

It was choreographed, to an extent, but they still needed work. Piers felt that the act was poorly choreographed, but fun to watch for a little while. Howie went into a long spiel about how it was good, but not great… that at the moment it’s ok, but they might not be able to go on. But then he added on that perhaps they are not able to go on because no one’s given them the chance to move….

Finally Piers got fed up and asked: “Howie? Deal, or No Deal?”

So there you have it, five nameless acts, some moving on to Vegas and others denied their chance. All from the Tuesday night taping of America’s Got Talent, Chicago (prior to intermission mind you).

Stay tuned as over the course of the month there will be other nameless acts that will be mentioned and individual posts of acts with whom information has been found on the internet for. If you happen to know any information of the acts described above (and others in the future) please do not hesistate to comment about it and we will add the information accordingly. 🙂