America’s Got Talent Winner – Neal Boyd

Looks like the America’s Got Talent poll was wrong in its prediction of the America’s Got Talent winner. I knew that the poll was skewed, because this site was getting hundreds and hundreds of Google searches sent to the site for the likes of Eli Mattson and Donald Braswell. Therefore, it made sense why Eli Mattson got more votes than the rest. However, I still thought that Eli had a good chance of winning. I guess it was close.

Instead, Neal Boyd is the winner of America’s Got Talent. I’m actually really surprised how disappointed I am with the result. I didn’t think I was that fond of Eli Mattson, but I was. Nothing against Neal Boyd, but I honestly don’t see myself buying a ticket to see him sing. Eli Mattson I would love to see in concert. America’s Got Talent is really smart to have the top 5 from this season perform in Las Vegas. The interesting question is whether people will go to the show more for Neal or for the other members of the top 5.

I’m kind of afraid to admit this, but before the results I told my wife that I thought we should get tickets to the show and go. However, now that Neal Boyd won, I’m thinking we probably won’t spend the money. I’d enjoy seeing him as an opening act, but I don’t see myself coughing up much money to see him be the headliner.

Time will tell if I change my mind in that regard. I don’t mean to take anything away from Neal. He has a great story, a very nice voice and something about his stage presence that really draws you in. He cries too much, but he’s a big teddy bear. Kind of reminds me of the big teddy bear that won American Idol (just forgot his name). I’m really happy for Neal and I think he can do well with a singing career.

Best of luck Neal Boyd and Congratulations on Winning America’s Got Talent!